Jane’s family was referred to YFS in November 2021, shortly after her husband passed away.
Jane was particularly concerned about one of her four sons, who was pursuing destructive behaviours.
“He was at the point where his life was about to go in one direction or the other,” said Jane. “I was incredibly worried.”
“But my son and his coach – they got on so well. It made a big difference for him.”
Jane’s son was part of the Youthlink program for two years and in that time the whole family built a strong relationship with YFS.
Jane’s family was still struggling, though, and Jane was keen to try Functional Family Therapy, a program which works with families to address issues impacting their ability to provide safe and supportive homes.
In Jane’s case, her family’s wellbeing was particularly complicated by three of her teenage children having disabilities with different sensory needs – needs which were frequently in conflict.
“It was a really good support. We learned so many strategies. There’s not so much anger in the house anymore. And there’s more calmness.”
“My sons are rarely physical with one another now. It’s much more peaceful.” Jane smiles, adding, “unless they are playing video games.”
Jane also received support from one of Service Australia’s Community Partnership Specialist Officers, who works with YFS clients to help them navigate eligible supports.
“[The Specialist Officer] was amazing. She helped us so much, to get everything happening with Youth Allowance and Centrelink.”
For Jane, having someone help her and her children navigate an unfamiliar service was extremely helpful and relieved some financial pressure on the family.
“I’m also seeing someone else, someone from the [YFS] Financial Hub. I have a debt, a company debt, and they are helping with that. Helping to organise having repayments paused for a month so we have a reprieve to figure things out.”
One of YFS’ strengths, in Jane’s view, is their willingness to keep supporting people while they are doing it tough.
“I think, maybe the second year [after Jane’s husband died] was even harder than the first. At the start everyone is there, supporting you. But in time people get on with their lives. But for us, we’re still shattered.”
“I keep coming back to YFS. They really listen to your story and understand the angle you’re coming from.”
Jane describes herself as someone who won’t be stopped from sharing news about something good with others – a special at the grocery store, a new book she’s read.
“I’m honest. And if I find something particularly good I hang on and tell everyone. I can’t help it. And everyone I’ve seen at YFS – I’ve had no bad experiences. Their support has been exceptional.”