Through R4Respect, young people in Logan and surrounds support other young people to develop the values, knowledge and skills they need for respectful relationships.

R4Respect Youth Workers educate young people to prevent controlling and abusive behaviour at a young age as this can feed the cycle of domestic and family violence.
They are supported by local businesses, organisations, community groups and government departments.
Logan City Council awarded Men4Respect a 2020 Safe City Award for helping make Logan more welcoming, inclusive and safe.
We are a team of young people aged 17 to 24 years who run an education and prevention strategy that aims to prevent anti-social behaviour and violence, including violence in personal or intimate relationships.
We use a unique peer-to-peer model, which empowers us as leaders and agents of change.
In just a short timeframe, we have reached thousands of young people online and face to face with positive messages of respect and of what crosses the line into harm.
Our strategy is evidence-based and it has achieved national acclaim.
Young people are at risk of violence and harm and/or witnessing harm, particularly in their own families.
One in 10 Australians aged 18 years and over have had their intimate images shared online without their consent. Source
Too many young people think it is ok to force someone to have sex. Source
Young men (32%) and young women (18%) agree with the statement, “A lot of times, women who say they were raped had led the man on and then had regrets.” Source
One in five women (18%) have experienced sexual violence. Source
Four key messages about healthy, respectful relationships guide everything we do.
1. We all have the right to be free of abuse and violence.
2. Respect means being fair and valuing others as equals.
3. Value diversity. Value culture. Celebrate difference.
4. Negotiate through disagreements. Don’t hit out.
In 2019, the Australian National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS) commissioned an evaluation of our peer-to-peer work.
- 92% of R4Respect participants strongly agreed or agreed that it is helpful to have young people leading the learning on respectful relationships.
- R4Respect’s peer-to-peer education complements teacher-led respectful relationships education.
We’ve produced an evaluation summary that sums up the ANROWS research.
Influence young people
A team of Youth Workers runs R4Respect. We act as agents of change, leading our peers towards respectful relationships.
Educate face-to-face
We facilitate workshops at schools, universities and community centres.
Reach nationwide, digitally
While we are based in Logan, Queensland, we reach young people no matter where they live through social media.
Public advocacy
We often make submissions to governments on law reform and are partners in important think tanks including the Queensland Government’s Sexual Violence Prevention Roundtable, the Queensland Youth Engagement Panel and the Queensland Family and Child Commission’s Youth Council.
Yes. According to ANROWS research into R4Respect:
- 86% of our participants agreed with the statement, “things I learnt in the program would help me act with greater respect in the future”
- there was a 12% increase in young people indicating strong agreement with the statement, “I know that there is a clear line between what is OK behaviour and what is harmful behaviour”
- R4Respect showed potential to positively influence young people’s behaviour, including how they manage conflict.
However, young men’s attitudes towards gender equality remained difficult to shift.

Reaching out to the community
The R4Respect team thrives on delivering workshops to young people.
Select the link above to download the R4Respect workshop application form.
Email the completed form to [email protected].
The need for Men4Respect
In response to the ANROWS findings that demonstrated more work must be done to transform young men’s attitudes and beliefs, we have created an initiative called Men4Respect.
Through Men4Respect, our male Youth Ambassadors aim to engage young men aged 14 to 21 years, helping them understand the line between what is healthy and what is harmful in relationships and reclaiming what it means to “be a man”.
Young men learn about equality, respectful relationships, consent and healthy masculinity.

Can you support this important work?
R4Respect receives limited funding from government.
The team relies on the goodwill of people and organisations like you to make an impact.
By making a donation, you will help our youth ambassadors reach out to more young people face-to-face and nationally through social media.
Our mission is to ‘draw the line’ on what is harmful and what is ok in relationships, breaking the cycle of domestic and family violence from a young age.
Please sponsor a youth ambassador or make a donation to keep R4Respect running.
Sponsoring a youth worker
Our youth workers uphold the values and behaviours of respectful relationships and deliver educational activities face-to-face and online nationally through social media.
$1,000 can fund one upstanding young adult in the community to take on this role for one year.
This amount covers a youth worker’s training and the materials they use to deliver sessions.
Please lend your support.
R4Respect in the news
School boys taught about gender equality | ABC News
ABC Radio National’s breakfast program turns to YFS Men4Respect
Special thanks to our sponsors and donors
- Queensland Government, Department of Justice and Attorney-General
- City of Logan Charitable Trust
- CommBank Staff Foundation
Have you got what it takes to change things for the better?

Young leaders wanted
We are looking for Youth Workers to help to lead our exciting R4Respect initiatives.
Each Youth Worker receives a $1,000 scholarship and gains training, mentoring and support. All expenses are covered by YFS.
To succeed as a Youth Worker, you will need to uphold the values and behaviours required for respectful relationships and deliver educational activities face-to-face and online through social media, creating fun activities that can capture the interest of other young people.
Successful applicants will need highly developed social media skills, presentation skills and an interest in violence prevention.
We prefer Youth Workers to be residents or have a strong connection to Logan and surrounds through, for example, your work, sport or study.
See our R4Respect Facebook page or Instagram for more on what we do.
How to apply
Write a summary up to 500 words of why you think you should be chosen as an R4Respect Youth Worker.
Use the following headings as a guide.
- Personal details (name, age and address)
- Contact details (email and phone number)
- Why do you think you can be a good #R4Respect Youth Worker?
- What are your ideas about how the #R4Respect messages can reach young people?
- How can your digital communication and presentation skills and experience be useful in promoting R4Respect messages?
- What is your connection to Logan and surrounds?
- Attach a CV/Resume
Email your application to [email protected]. For further information phone us on 07 3826 1500.