What you can
expect from YFS
YFS will support you to build your independence and participation. We will stand up for your rights and responsibilities to help you make the most of opportunities.

Your rights
- As a YFS client we will respect your rights.
- You have the right to privacy.
- You have the right to access and amend personal information held by us.
- You have the right to tell us what you think. We will listen and take it seriously.
- You have the right to ask questions.
- You have the right to be treated fairly.
- You have the right to be safe.
- You have the right to know what is happening with your services.

Your responsibilities
- We will help you set goals.
- We expect you to take part in reaching your goals.
- We ask you to treat yourself and other people with respect.
- We expect you to provide a safe environment if we come to your home. For example, keep your pets on a leash when we visit.
YFS Staff
- People who work at YFS carry an identification (ID) card showing their photo, name and contact details.
- We respect your rights and act with integrity. This means we will be honest and keep our word.

Your privacy
- We respect your privacy.
- We will only ask you for information we need.
- We will not ask you for more than we need.
- We will keep your information safe and will store it securely.
- You can ask us if you want to see your information.
- All personal information you give us is confidential. We will only share your information if you tell us we can.
Sometimes we may have to share your information without your permission. We call this limits to privacy.
Limits to privacy include:
- if we have to by law
- if we think you are a danger to yourself or others
- if we think someone is harming a person who cannot stand up for themselves. For example, a person with a disability or a child
- if a department or organisation that gives us funding wants to check our work. We might give them anonymous information about you. This information does not identify you.
What you can expect from YFS factsheet – Easy English (1.5 MB)
Feedback and complaints
We welcome feedback and comments. If you want to make a complaint or tell us what you think, you can:
- tell a YFS staff member or ask to speak to a manager
- ask someone else to contact YFS for you
- call our feedback line on 07 3826 1596 and leave a message
- provide feedback by filling out the form on our website
If you have a complaint, we will talk to you about it. We will record it, review it, and get back to you.
If you are not happy with how we deal with your complaint, you can contact the Chief Executive Officer of YFS.
If you are still not satisfied, you can contact the organisation or department that gives us funding for your service. You can get their details from our website or ask us.
You can also contact
Office of the Information
Commissioner Queensland
W: www.oic.qld.gov.au
P: 1800 642 753
Queensland Ombudsman
W: www.ombudsman.qld.gov.au
P: 1800 068 908
Queensland Human
Rights Commission
W: www.qhrc.qld.gov.au
P: 1300 130 670
More information
You can look on our website or ask us for information about
- our privacy policy
- our complaints policy
- how to get support from another organisation.
Privacy statement

YFS is committed to protecting your privacy.
We understand and appreciate that you are concerned about your privacy and the security of any information provided to us.
YFS manages personal information in accord with the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth) and Australia Privacy Principles (Privacy Amendment [Enhancing Privacy Protection]) Act 2012.
Read our full Privacy Policy.
YFS will only collect personal information necessary for, or directly related to, our activities and functions and only by fair means.
Personal information is information that identifies you (name, date of birth, address and contact details) and includes sensitive and health information.
When collecting personal information, we will ensure that you are aware of:
- the purpose for which information is being collected
- to whom the information is usually disclosed
- whether collection is authorised by law.
YFS has possession of personal and sensitive information and will ensure that there are reasonable safeguards against unauthorised access, misuse, interference, loss, modification or disclosure of the information.
Closed files will be legally disposed of based on legislative requirements and organisational policy.
YFS has an obligation to notify particular individuals and the Australian Information Commissioner about eligible data breaches in accord with the Notifiable Data Breaches (NDB) scheme.
YFS will take reasonable steps to ensure any personal information used is accurate, current and complete.
YFS may use or disclose personal information if your prior approval is on file (and current); if a situation is unsafe for you or others; or if it is required by law or situations when an external party is investigating a serious complaint or incident and checking the quality of work (e.g. funding bodies, Work Cover or Child Safety 159 request).
In general, we will use personal information only for the purpose for which it was collected.
Any disclosure will be recorded on your file.
Clients and their advocates can have reasonable access to their YFS files.
Our privacy policy may be suspended if the release of information risks the safety of any person.
You may also request to change the personal information about you.
We will take reasonable steps to correct any information that is inaccurate, incomplete, out-of-date or misleading.
Amendments are made by adding a notation to the file.
We may refuse your request to access or amend your personal information but you will be provided with a reason for our decision and in the case of an amendment, we will place a note with your personal information indicating that you have disputed its accuracy.
No attempts are made to identify anyone browsing our website.
Where our website and social media sites contain links to third-party sites, both government and non-government, YFS is not responsible for the privacy or security practices or content of such websites.
Your activity on those sites is covered by the privacy policies of those sites.