raising children?
We can support families through challenging times.

Our services for families can assist you to better manage life’s ups and downs so your children can live safe, healthy and happy lives.
We support children’s wellbeing by helping you build strong parenting skills and stronger families.
One of our key goals is helping you feel confident and connected to your community. This can support your children’s developmental needs.
Step by Step young families programs
Our Step by Step team works with young parents to help them meet the challenges of being good parents.
The team provides information and advice on how to help your children as they grow, and practical help with things like school enrolments, budgeting and housing applications.
We also offer counselling and group programs, helping you connect with people in a similar situation.
Our aim is to back you to come up with strategies to improve your relationships and your family’s well-being.
Who is eligible?
Parents aged 25 and under from Logan and surrounds who are experiencing difficulties with parenting and family wellbeing.
A key component of our Step by Step program is Burrabilly.
Burrabilly works with First Nations families and children to help them manage life’s ups and downs and live safe, thriving, healthy and happy lives.
Burrabilly is a Goreng Goreng word meaning ‘arise’.
Who is eligible?
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and children from Logan and surrounds who are experiencing difficulties with parenting and family wellbeing.
Meet other young dads, expand your skills and learn more about children’s development.
Find out more about how to join Young Dads’ Squad
Who is eligible?
Dads aged 25 and under from Logan and surrounds.
Other families programs
If your family is at risk of child safety intervention, our FFT-CW® therapists might be able to offer you short-term family-based therapy.
Therapists work with families over four to seven months to create change that will assist everyone to function in a more positive and productive way.
The program starts by looking at your family’s strengths and what is working to keep your children safe.
FFT-CW® can help your family solve current problems and develop new strategies, skills and confidence for resolving future issues.
Who is eligible?
Families from the Browns Plains and Beaudesert areas and surrounds who need additional support to keep their children safe and well.
Our Intensive Family Support team provides intensive case management.
This means they will work closely with you to help you get the skills and support you need to care for and protect your children and help your family work well.
They will back you to strengthen your practical skills, parenting skills and your confidence, which supports your communication and stress management skills.
They will also help you connect with culture, friends, family and the community.
If you need other services, they are there to help you find what you need.
Who is eligible?
Families from the Browns Plains and Beaudesert areas and surrounds who need additional support to keep their children safe and well.
If your family has come to the attention of Child Safety Services, they can bring our Assessment and Service Connect team in to assist you and your children while they conduct their investigation and assessment.
Our team can work with you to make quick connections to the right services that will help you keep your children safe.
Who is eligible?
Families with an open investigation at the Bayside, Beaudesert, Beenleigh, Browns Plains, Logan Central and Loganlea Child Safety Service centres.
Our commitment to the safety and wellbeing of children and young people is outlined in our Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy.
YFS has signed the Logan Children’s Charter. The Charter is part of the Logan Together movement. It encourages businesses and organisations throughout the city to create child-friendly spaces and keep the needs of kids front of mind.

Reaching out to the Logan community
Organisations throughout the Logan area rely on our families workers to deliver community education sessions about parenting.
Select the link above to secure one of our families workers to speak at your event.