2021-22 Impact Report
Working Together
Our 2021-22 impact report focuses on working together,
a key element of YFS’ Theory of Change.
In the past year we have deepened our integration efforts to provide holistic services that back people to thrive. We have also advanced our partnerships, because changing lives, improving systems and influencing social change relies on collaboration.
Our work with government and non-government partners to improve coordination and responses in the housing system has proven timely as we confront an unprecedented housing crisis. Thanks to funding from the Brisbane Sisters of Mercy, we have brought the Advance to Zero approach to Logan as we work with our colleagues to eliminate homelessness through collaborative, coordinated, person-centred, data-informed approaches.
In the past year we have introduced some exciting integration initiatives at YFS, drawing on evidence and clients’ perspectives. Our partnership with Hand Heart Pocket has provided Logan’s young parents with specialist support to address housing, education, employment, wellbeing and social connections goals as well as ongoing backing from skilled Family Resource Practitioners.
We thank the Department of Communities, Housing and Digital Economies for investing in embedded housing specialists working within our family support teams. We are also trialling the potential to combine case management and family therapy with families at risk of child protection interventions.
Another highlight of 2021-22 was our progress in building strong partnerships with police, courts, corrections and community in the Scenic Rim to improve safety for women and children impacted by domestic and family violence.
We joined with Logan community leaders, businesses and services to celebrate the tenth anniversary of our much-loved electronic waste enterprise Substation33. Over the past decade more than 5,000 people have participated in Substation33’s activities, diverting over a million kilograms of electronic waste from landfill.
We are particularly proud of the progress we have made in embedding our Cultural Framework through stronger relationships with First Nations people, communities, organisations and leaders. Our consultation with First Nations staff, clients and leaders shows we are on the right track, and provides us with guidance to further improve the ways we back community.
This report documents highlights and challenges from the past financial year, including stories from some of the inspiring people we have worked with.
In keeping with the theme of working together we acknowledge the many people who contributed to our work in 2021-22, including YFS staff, Board directors, managers, volunteers and the many people and organisations with whom we have built partnerships.
In 2021-22 we increased our focus on working together within YFS teams, between programs, across organisations and in partnership with community. Read more
In 2021-22 we embarked on two exciting integration projects, creating new multi-disciplinary approaches that bring together the supports families need to thrive. Read more
With our wide range of services, YFS is uniquely positioned to link up the supports people need. Read more
In 2021-22 YFS built stronger partnerships with other organisations to improve opportunities and outcomes for the people we work with and for our community. Read more
Changing systems and strengthening community require joint action. In 2021-22 YFS worked with government, community and other not-for-profits to promote fairer, more inclusive systems, services and communities. Read more
Logan is a diverse, vibrant place to live and work, with active communities supporting each other. We are proud to be part of Logan and surrounding communities. Read more
In 2021-22 the YFS Board and executive reviewed and refreshed our Strategic Framework 2021-24 and implemented a new Balanced Scorecard reporting system. Read more
YFS ended 2021-22 in a strong financial position. Our revenue increased by 11% through additional services, philanthropic support and short-term funding for COVID-19 and flood responses. Read more

Client stories
“You guys are doing great here. I think a lot about you working as a team. If I go back and think of how we were before we met you guys…I’m more hopeful for the future now.”
A Step by Step Family Practitioner, Housing Support Worker and an Employment and Education Mentor worked together as a team to support Meera and her children.
“I believed in my ability to work, but I couldn’t do everything by myself. We have to be a team. Everyone had a role.”
May found a new job and got her finances back on track with support from the team at YFS.
“It’s all about changing your mind set, being positive, focusing on your future and being ready to change.”
Daisey is working towards achieving her goals with support from YFS and the Johnathan Thurston Academy.
“We wake up and still think is this real, are we really living here. It’s just mind blowing at this stage, it doesn’t feel real.”
With support from the YFS Housing 1st team Chace and Marcella are now both thriving in their new home and planning for their future goals.
Mac worked with Youthlink to help build his resilience and confidence.
Now he can advocate for himself. When he recently applied for his first job, he aced the interview and was hired straight away.
“Substation has helped me get my life back on track. I’ve paid off a $16,000 SPER debt, I’m getting my driver’s licence back and I have a job for the first time in five years. My overall outlook has changed and I’m happy where I am now.”