Law podcast
Stuff you need to know about the law
A YFS Legal podcast

The YFS Legal team has created a new podcast series: Stuff You Need to Know About the Law.
Within the series, YFS team member Michelle chats with various guests discussing everything you need to know about the law.
There is something in this podcast for everyone, from employment to contracts to family law. So, sit back and listen to this informative, engaging podcast telling you stuff you need to know about the law.
Listen to the podcast episodes
In this episode, Michelle is joined by Naazihah and Rebecca from Wotton + Kearney to chat about employment law. They discuss the relationship between employee and employer, the foundations of an employment relationship, common issues associated with employment and the law, and much more!
In the second part of their discussion on employment and the law, Michelle, Naazihah, and Rebecca delve deeper into what to do when things go wrong in employment. They discuss how to know if you’ve been ‘let go’ equitably, the expectations of behaviour regarding misconduct, what to do if you are ever in this situation, and how to respond if you are dismissed.
Michelle is joined by Naazihah and Rebecca from Wotton + Kearney, to discuss discrimination and the law. They answer questions such as what discrimination is, how to respond to it, what to do if you are experiencing it, and how to respond if you are experiencing discrimination.
In this episode, Michelle is joined again by Naazihah and Rebecca, to chat about debt, specifically looking at credit cards, personal loans, and payday loans. They discuss what happens when you cannot pay your bills and provide free resources where you can receive help to get back on track with your debt.
This week Michelle, Naazihah and Rebecca discuss contracts and the law. They answer questions such as what arrangements are, the building blocks of contracts, how to get out of a contract and where you can seek advice about both informal and formal contracts.
In this episode, Michelle is joined by Vai and Mel from the YFS Legal team, where they look at family law, specifically discussing how to get a domestic violence order. They go through the steps of getting a domestic violence order, how you can advocate for yourself, how to make sure you have everything to ensure your safety, and important resources you can access if you are experiencing domestic violence.
In the second part of their discussion on family law, Michelle, Vai and Mel chat about what to do if you’re served with a domestic violence application. They discuss what to do once you’ve been served, your obligations as a respondent, what happens if you don’t comply, and helpful resources to assist in understanding the conditions of the order.
In the third part of their discussion on family law, Michelle, Vai and Mel discuss mediation. Specifically, what it is, who can help you while going through it, what happens if you can’t come to an agreement, and much more in the mediation process.
Continuing their discussion on family law, Michelle, Vai and Mel chat about orders relating to children’s contact. Within this episode, the women discuss parenting orders and how to get or change one, as well as provide helpful resources for those seeking advice on charges relating to children’s contact.
In the next part of their family law discussion, Michelle is again joined by Vai and Mel, who focus on property settlement. They look at the specifics of property settlement and what they are, formalising a property settlement, the time limitations regarding property settlements, and resources to help those seeking further information.
In today’s episode, Michelle, Vai and Mel discuss an aspect of family law – recovery orders. They look at what a recovery order is, how to file one, common questions people have about recovery orders and resources for those seeking more information about them.