Rebecca’s story
Rebecca and her family turned their lives around with help from YFS’ Intensive Family Support program

“To have someone who wanted to hear our story, and to come into our home and not judge us, it made such a big difference.”
When Pep from the Intensive Family Support program first contacted Rebecca and her family they had some specific outcomes that they wanted to achieve. However, Rebecca was experiencing anxiety and leaving the house to access supports was challenging. There were also transport related issues which made it difficult to get out, so Pep offered to visit the family in their home.
Rebecca said she was grateful to have that support. “To have someone who wanted to hear our story, and to come into our home and not judge us, it made such a big difference.”
Pep worked with the family to identify their goals. She also linked them to a range of programs within YFS including Youthlink, Step by Step and the Services Australia Community Partnership program, as well as external services including Queensland Education and Legal Aid Queensland.
Now the younger children are re-engaging with education, and the older children have gained their learner licences and received support to find employment.
Pep said she’s blown away by the progress the family has made in a short space of time. “The whole family has been really proactive in making change. They’ve had a massive turnaround.”
Cody’s story
Rebecca’s son Cody wanted to find employment so that he could financially support his son. With assistance from YFS to write his CV and help with his job search he was successful in finding work.
He also wanted to learn how to be a great dad so he was referred to the Step by Step Young Dads’ Squad where he could brush up on parenting tips and connect with other dads.