Become a monthly donor We need your support to help everyday people in Logan and surrounds to thrive. Donations $2 and more are tax deductible. Our donations form works best on the Chrome, Safari and Edge web browsers. If you need to speak to someone about your donation, call 3826 1500 and ask to speak to donor care services. Or, reach out to us online. With your donation, we can support people to overcome the many adversities that are holding them back from thriving. People often come to YFS facing many problems.Take a family who is escaping domestic and family violence.Most often, mums and their kids escape with nothing more than the clothes on their backs.They are homeless. They don’t have money for food. They need trauma counselling. They need different types of support.Your monthly gift can help us plan the futureYour monthly donation guarantees ongoing funds so we can support people to resolve what is holding them back in life.Monthly giving is simple.You decide on the amount you would like to donate and it will be debited from your bank account or credit card each month.All donations $2 and over are fully tax-deductible and we will send your annual tax receipt to you. Other ways to give Make a single donation Give more people the chance to access our support programs. Find out more Leave a gift in your will Ensure future generations have the support they need to thrive. Find out more Or you might like to ... Help jobseekers find work Back R4Respect Support kids to start school Help mums create new lives