Contact us
Phone: 07 3826 1500
Feedback line: 07 3826 1596
YFS Legal: 07 3826 1599
Or fill in our Make an enquiry contact form below and we will contact you.
For legal enquiries
For legal enquiries phone YFS Legal on 07 3826 1599 or fill in our YFS Legal contact form.
Looking for information?
Find information on the following topics
YFS Head Office: 376 Kingston Road, Slacks Creek, Queensland
Make an enquiry
Feedback and complaints
YFS welcomes feedback. Feedback is essential for us to continue to improve. We treat your feedback confidentially.
To provide feedback or make a complaint you can:
- tell a YFS staff member or ask to speak to a manager
- ask someone else to contact YFS for you
- call our feedback line on 07 3826 1596 and leave a message
- provide feedback via the online Make an enquiry form on this page.
We will discuss the complaint with you, record it, review it and get back to you with an outcome.
If you’re not happy with how we deal with your complaint, you can contact the YFS Chief Executive Officer (CEO) on 07 3826 1500.
If you’re still not satisfied, you have the right to refer your complaint to the department or organisation that funds your program.
The funders for each program are listed on this page under Complaints and disputes policy. You can also ask us which department or organisation funds your program and you can contact them directly.
For Queensland Government funded programs you can call 13 QGOV (13 74 68) or submit a complaints and compliments form online via the Queensland Government website.
Complaints and disputes policy
Find out more in our Complaints and Disputes Policy.
- Information Commissioner Queensland: 07 3234 7373
If you feel that YFS has breached your human rights, please contact us first.
Under the Human Rights Act 2019, you may contact the Human Rights Commission if we do not respond to your complaint within 45 business days (approximately 9 weeks) or if our response is not satisfactory for you.
For complaints relating to unlawful discrimination: Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland Offices are located in Brisbane, Rockhampton, Townsville and Cairns. Phone: 1300 130 670 (statewide) 1300 130 680 (TTY ) Email: Web:
For any other complaint regarding denial of services contact the Queensland Ombudsman Level 17, 53 Albert Street, Brisbane QLD 4000 Phone: 07 3005 7000 or 1800 068 908 Email: Web:
- Housing 1st: Queensland Government Department of Housing
- Emergency Relief, Financial Counsellors, Project Hera and Step by Step: Australian Government Department of Social Services
- R4Respect, Responsible Men, SHINE, YFS Legal: Queensland Government Department of Justice and Attorney-General
- Functional Family Therapy – Child Welfare, Intensive Family Support, Assessment and Service Connect, Youthlink, Next Step Plus, Community Youth Response: Queensland Government Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services
- ParentsNext: Australian Government Department of Employment and Workplace Relations
- Get Set for Work: Queensland Government Department of Youth Justice, Employment, Small Business and Training
- SHIFT: Queensland Department of Health
- Spark: self-funded by YFS
- Resolve: Australian Government Department of Home Affairs
If you’re not sure who funds the service you wish to provide feedback about, please contact us.
- People with Disability Australia: 1800 422 015
- Aged and Disability Advocacy Australia: 1800 818 338
- Speaking up for you (SUFY): 07 3255 1244
- Office of the Public Guardian: 1300 653 187
- Queensland Advocacy Incorporated (QAI): 1300 130 58