Emergency relief in Logan

Need emergency financial relief?
There are several organisations providing emergency relief in the Logan area – take a look at the Emergency Relief list to see which one is most appropriate for your needs.
Who is eligible
Check the Emergency Relief list for eligibility conditions for each provider.
If you have been affected by extreme weather events like storms or floods, you can also visit the Queensland Government’s Disaster Support and Recovery web page to find out what assistance is available and apply for grants.
YFS receives some government funding to provide emergency financial support for people who are struggling due to unforeseen hardship.
If you’re struggling with rent arrears, YFS may be able to help.
If you are having trouble paying regular bills, our financial workers may be able to help you manage your budget and get your finances back on track.
Call us on 3826 1500 to find out if we can help you get on top of your financial situation.

Street meals, services and showers
Logan Council has a schedule of meals and services available at various times and locations in the City of Logan.

Reaching out to the Logan community
Organisations throughout the Logan area rely on our financial workers to deliver community education sessions about good financial management.
Select the link above to secure one of our workers to speak at your event.

Debt busting work
We coordinate Logan’s Done with Debt campaign to prevent Logan residents from getting into debt through the rental of appliances, computers, phones or furniture.
The campaign talks about the true costs of rent-to-buy arrangements.
In 2019, we united with government agencies and local community groups to stage Logan’s first Deal with Debt Day.